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Gator Jake's Cajun Corn Soup

2 lb. ground chuck
2  one-pound cans tomatoes
1 small can Mexicali corn
1  one-pound can cream style corn
2 one-pound cans yellow corn
1/2 cup cut green pepper
1 can or more water
2 tbs. Maison Louisianne Creole Spice
salt and pepper to taste

Brown ground chuck. Pour off drippings.

Put the rest of the ingredients in large pot, including water in cans of corn, bring to a boil for 3-4 minutes.

Turn off, cover, let stand 15 minutes.  Add more water if necessary to thin.

Serve, and Bon Appetite.

Gator Jake writes:  "This recipe was given to me by a Cajun named Woody from N'Awlins!!!  Made this several times at black powder shoots and was well received.  Woody has tasted my soup and said it was great!"  